Why do i suffer?
anxiety, depression, physical pain!

Why am ‘i’ here?!
Why does any of this (or that) exist?

We avoid seeking an answer …  Why?

Initiate & Integrate

to understand WHY

Awareness Modes … A Model of Remembering yOur Natural Origin

kNow & owNow, yOur inAttention Modes in the expanding theme of XY painful domination

Healthy living is ... ??

Return to fully Trusting yOUR inherent Relationship with ALL of Life

The Book that launched the Model
Chapter 4 of The Other Side

You Chose to forGet

My Lifetime Mission – Helping Life to Flow in the Middle

David is a proud Indigenous Leader who survived Genocide
through a Cipher of Remembering, remaining withIN
the System of Oppression to heal its artificial Suffering,
the ultimate display of Sincere support (aka Love & Leadership)

[western hemisphere, pre EU invasion]
Original Peoples
Loving Assist in the Return to
Honoring Life’s Inherent Singular Relationship and Support

Relieve Emotional Pain

Understanding your current XY Trajectory & your Conditioning Origin Gap, you can Adapt with least effort.  People have very different COGs – the origin of all Contrast and Conflict.

Lead Sincerely

Aligning with your Essence, you effortlessly energize Others to share reality, and together our inspiration brings alignment in common causes.

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David will orient you to the Awareness Awareness Model, its ancient origin, and offer hint of Life benefits.

Begin to understand whether you are currently in a Conditioning, Motivating or Preparing [to Conflict or Resign]  Personality trajectory and what might be pulling you away from your Essence.   Or perhaps you’re actively Conflicting “with Others”.

Knowing your Conditioning Origin Gap (COG) and ascertaining the COG of Others ACTing upon you, will allow you to Flow and Adapt freely.

“Enjoy the Contrast Life creates, rather than fighting it”.

Goal Setting

Set goals that align with, leverage and rejuvenate your Essence, and not what’s expected from your Personality.

Relationship Coaching

Knowing your XY Trajectory and theirs, you feel safe Including Other and Adapting “appropriately” based on Shared desire and acknowledged gaps.

Stress Management

Resolve unnecessary conflict of Thought & Action which does NOT match your Essence, by quieting the Personality.

Career Advice

Seek organizations and causes that nurture your Essence.    Orgs continue to hire for “personality” at great detriment to them and you.

About the Model

The model originates from a Cipher crossing several generations of a Native American lineage, known by European Settlers as the Cherokee (the Tsalagi) of the Appalachian Mountains in North America.

Deciphered by David Harmony, beginning at age 5 in 1976 and culminating in 2015, the model at 1st glance seems profoundly simple, yet not very obvious in Western culture.   What makes this way of Experiencing Life so novel, untried or difficult to realize?

To truly understand the profound wisdom nestled within the Model of Remembering, a lifelong seeker must transcend self-apart, by going into one’s inner galaxy, and then fully returning to transcend Society, to fully understand the human position “in the Middle”.

Too many models Label and Judge what IS.   Too many people strive to just escape this unshared reality.

With XY Mode Awareness, you’ll gracefully exit the insane hyper activity of the unshared reality, AND return to support ALL of Life, as it IS, without judgement.

using yOur Light

by Zhuang Zhou read by A.Watts | David's Model offers The Easy Shortcut

Wounded Energy Dominating – XY mode

Rebalancing via Shared Perception

Thriving instead of just Surviving

a system of Remembering yOUR Intentional forGetting

by Watts | David picked up where Others left off in 2nd & 20th Centuries

References to:

  • “She” meaning “the [wounded, repressed] Feminine energy” in both women and men.
  • “Forest” meaning “the Modern unCivilized Society, amidst the unNatural chaos of Urban and now Virtualized reality of delusional, false disConnection from Environment and each Other.


The Invisible Bond In the heart of Michigan, amidst the vast landscapes that echo with the whispers of ancestors, lives a man named David Harmony. Though miles and the divide of physical presence separate us, David and I share a bond that transcends the tangible. Our connection, though never forged


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Ken Walker Good Friend - Indigenous Brother

While working with David I am discovering that love, happiness, moral compass, etc comes from within myself instead of something sought externally.  He is helping me to challenge that judgmental voice in my head denying my peace – trying to convince me that I am not where and what I should


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Tim D. President, Principal Consultant: Life Coach & Culture Change Mentor
During my first talk with David, he quickly figured out I had greater needs and transitioned the conversation to finding my passion and unlocking the larger potential to make a lasting difference in the world
Dan J. Process Improvement Engineer

In just 30 minutes, David offered me exactly what I needed to re kindle my energy and bring extreme focus to pursuing a life aligned with my Heart. I couldn’t believe how personal and connected I felt with him – I dare say we went from strangers to brothers in one call! I am in the proc


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Sunil T. - Entrepreneur: Software Architect & Spiritual Seeker 

The depth and gravity of David’s natural insights and his ability to connect heart to heart, is truly unique.

His lifetime of observations and realizations, paired with his gifted ability to articulate the origins of the unnecessarily Complicated and Complex state of modern living, has r


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Sushma Verma Independent Consultant

Ongoing Support

Book Coming Soon ...

David is working on a companion book for this site and Model, to make the content relatable through Storylines likely familiar to all.

Tools to "take along"

David offers you tools and Reminders to help you remain Present during Life’s intense moments with Other, empowering each Self to Adapt, Learn from and Transform the moment, together.

Online self-paced Learning

David’s online University, offers you Micro learning in a Mobile environment (phone, tablet, etc) so you can reinforce key aspects of the Model which intend to unlock something you KNEW as an innocent, unconditioned child.

Find Your Balance. Flow in the Middle of Life’s ACTion.

Welcoming a brief Assist

by Watts | Qualifying an Other to Assist

David will prove to be one of the most Present and Helpful hearts you’ve crossed paths with.   His life’s mission is to reduce the degree of contrast warranted, to Exist and Know [that you,we ever did exist].

Begin with a FREE orientation call, which paired with his Book and free public material on this site, may be ALL you need, to Remember yOUR origin, realizing total freedom in Life.

If you feel that you need a deeper assist, David is honored and humbled to meet you.   He helps people to directly witness their inherent Relationship withIN all of Life and to Flow with Life’s Action, which inherently restores one’s Authority and ability to Respond naturally in a Way that restores Peace within and coOperative Action surrounding that persona.

The shortest path is the one that begins within.  
Living is easy when we
Remember and Honor
our Relationship withIN
all Happenings.